Use our amazing Text Rules feature to help
you curate your UGC quickly and to scale
Design, curate and moderate your content
Find your most valuable assets
Display your valuable content on websites,
at live events, on digital screens and kiosks

Curate Smarter
Minimize the time spent curating your social wall and maximize its potential impact by displaying the right content fast. The Text Rules feature automatically scans the text of all the incoming social media content to help you curate and display your most valuable earned social.
By reducing the time spent moderating your content manually, Text Rules AI functionality gives you the ability to instantly showcase the best content on your Miappi social wall with the least amount of effort.

How It Works
When a new content reaches Miappi, the Text Rules feature will decide if it should be white-listed (set not to show on your social wall) or gray-listed (set to show on your social wall). The decision takes milliseconds and is based on a list of conditions you can set in the Rules Engine which include the following:
Contains Any – Detects the presence of specified words or sets of words in the text.
Words Followed By – Useful when you want to show/hide a post that associates one set of words with another. For example, if people are talking about your brand you can use this condition to mitigate against negative comments or comparisons to competitors appearing on your Miappi. Choose your word sets and then select the maximum distance (number of words) you’d like the condition to search for matches between word sets.
Hashtags Threshold as % – #Lol #Spam #Irrelevant. Stop spammers by setting the percentage of words in the text post that are hashtags. Simply type in a number 1-100 in the threshold field.
Mentions Threshold as % – @you @me @literallyanyone. This condition works exactly the same as the Hashtag % Threshold and blocks spammers who try and drive traffic by mentioning lots of other users.
Hashtags and Mentions Threshold as % – A combination of the two conditions above, blocking posts for which the percentage of words that are hashtags and mentions is too high (as determined by you).
The Choice is Yours
As you can see, you can be impressively specific with your list of parameters . With additional functionalities such ordering the precedence of various rules and choosing which specific social wall you want your rules to apply to, Miappi’s Text Rules feature proves to be a fantastic tool to help brands discover valuable social content in line with their brand image.